The ComPLETE team
The ComPLETE project is primarily led by four linguists, whose research combines linguistic typology with expertise in specific language families:
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Martine Vanhove is a Senior researcher at CNRS‒LLACAN, a Paris-based research department dedicated to the study of languages and cultures from Africa. Her primary focus are Semitic and Cushitic. |
Alexandre François is a Senior researcher at CNRS‒LATTICE, a Paris-based research department specializing in theoretical and computational linguistics. His research focuses mainly on the Oceanic languages of the Pacific. |
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Walter Bisang is a Professor at the University of Mainz (Germany). He specializes in the study of East and Mainland Southeast Asian languages. |
Andrej Malchukov also works at the University of Mainz. He is an expert of Manchu-Tungusic and Transeurasia in general, and has worked extensively on topics of grammatical typology. |
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The ComPLETE project has also recruited three junior linguists:
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Daniel Krauße is a postdoctoral researcher at CNRS‒LATTICE. His project is to study the typology of verbal complex predicates in the area known as Melanesia. |
Katya Aplonova is a PhD candidate at CNRS‒LLACAN. Her dissertation focuses on the complex predicates of Ginyanga, a Kwa language of Togo. |
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Patryk Czerwinski is a PhD candidate at the University of Mainz. He works on the morphosyntax and areal typology of the languages of NE Asia, in particular Tungusic, Japanese and Korean. |
Project members
Members of the French team
Martine | Vanhove | llacan–CNRS |
Alexandre | François | lattice–CNRS |
Katya | Aplonova | llacan–CNRS |
Daniel | Krauße | lattice–CNRS |
Pascal | Boyeldieu | llacan–CNRS |
Thi Uyên To | Doan-Rabier | ardis-CNRS |
Sebastian | Fedden | lacito–Paris 3 |
Guillaume | Jacques | crlao–CNRS |
Frédérique | Mélanie‑Becquet | lattice–CNRS |
Ronny | Meyer | llacan–CNRS |
Claire | Moyse-Faurie | lattice–CNRS |
Sonja | Riesberg | lacito–CNRS |
Stéphane | Robert | llacan–CNRS |
Marie-Claude | Simeone-Senelle | llacan–CNRS |
Lameen | Souag | lacito–CNRS |
Yvonne | Treis | llacan–CNRS |
Antoinette | Schapper | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Xavier | Bach | University of Oxford |
Denis | Creissels | Université Lyon 2 – DDL |
Gwenaëlle | Fabre | Laboratoire Ligérien de Linguistique (CNRS), Université d'Orléans |
Members of the German team
Walter | Bisang | Johannes Gutenberg ‒ Universität Mainz |
Andrej | Malchukov | Johannes Gutenberg ‒ Universität Mainz |
Patryk | Czerwinski | Johannes Gutenberg ‒ Universität Mainz |
Peter | Arkadiev | Johannes Gutenberg ‒ Universität Mainz |
Lars | Johanson | Johannes Gutenberg ‒ Universität Mainz |
Elena | Skribnik | Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München |
Tom | Güldemann | Humboldt ‒ Universität zu Berlin |
Lee | Pratchett | Christian-Albrechts ‒ Universität zu Kiel |
Diana | Forker | Friedrich-Schiller ‒ Universität Jena Otto-Friedrich ‒ Universität Bamberg |
Geoffrey | Haig | Universität Bamberg |
Martin | Haspelmath | MPI-EVA (Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie), Leipzig |
Johannes | Helmbrecht | Universität Regensburg |
Marianne | Mithun | University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) |
Robert | Van Valin | University at Buffalo & Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf |
David | Inman | Universität Zürich |
Marine | Vuillermet | Universität Zürich |
Katya | Gruzdeva | University of Helsinki |
Birsel | Karakoç | University of Uppsala |
Park | Jinho | Seoul National University |